Street Flooding & MapPLUTO#

Merge the NYC Street Flooding Service Requests dataset with MapPLUTO

Import Libraries#

Standard Libraries#

import os
import json

Custom Libraries#

from utilities import (
    check_file_exists as cfe

External Libraries#

import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import fiona
from shapely import wkt

Define Variables#

Input Files#

data_stats_json_input = 'data/data-stats.json'

Output Files#

nyc_street_flooding_gdf_columns_output = 'data/nyc_street_flooding_gdf_columns.txt'
pluto_gdf_columns_output = 'data/pluto_gdf_columns.txt'

current_script_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.curdir)

merge_flood_mappluto_output_ofgdb =  'data/merge/nyc-street-flooding-mappluto.gdb'
merge_flood_mappluto_output_geojson =  'data/merge/nyc-street-flooding-mappluto.geojson'
# pluto_geojson = 'data/PLUTO/pluto_22v3_1.geojson'
# pluto_geojson_full_path = f'{current_script_path}/{pluto_geojson}'

NYC Street Flooding Complaints#

nyc_street_flooding_geojson = 'data/street-flooding/street-flood-complaints_rows-all.geojson'


map_pluto_gdb_folder = 'data/PLUTO/MapPLUTO_22v3_1_water_included.gdb'
%%script echo "[skip] Reason: using gdb file type"
map_pluto_shp_folder  = 'data/PLUTO/MapPLUTO_22v3_1_water_included.shp'
[skip] Reason: using gdb file type

Combine Street Flooding Complaints and MapPLUTO Datasets#

Read Street Flooding Complaints#

street_flooding_gdf = gpd.read_file(
    driver = 'GeoJSON', 
    # rows = 100
<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326>
Name: WGS 84
Axis Info [ellipsoidal]:
- Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree)
- Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree)
Area of Use:
- undefined
Datum: World Geodetic System 1984
- Ellipsoid: WGS 84
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich
sfc_size = len(street_flooding_gdf)
print(f'# of Street Flooding Complaints: {sfc_size}')
# of Street Flooding Complaints: 35156

Save Street Flooding Complaints Column Names to nyc_street_flooding_gdf_columns.txt#

[Hule, 2021]

street_flooding_columns = street_flooding_gdf.columns.tolist()
with open(f'{current_script_path}/{nyc_street_flooding_gdf_columns_output}', 'w') as write_f:
    for column in street_flooding_columns:

Check Index#

RangeIndex(start=0, stop=35156, step=1)

Set unique_key as Index#

# test before deciding | street_flooding_gdf.set_index('unique_key', inplace = True)

Verify Index Change#

RangeIndex(start=0, stop=35156, step=1)

Read MapPLUTO#

Time to read gdb folder: ~37m

%%script echo "[skip] using gdb file"
map_pluto_shp_folder  = 'data/PLUTO/MapPLUTO_22v3_1_water_included.shp'
[skip] using gdb file
pluto_gdf = gpd.read_file(
    file = 'FileGDB', 
    engine = 'fiona',
    crs = 'EPSG2263',
    # rows = 100000

Save PLUTO Column Names to pluto_gdf_columns.txt#

[Hule, 2021]

pluto_columns = pluto_gdf.columns.tolist()
with open(f'{current_script_path}/{pluto_gdf_columns_output}', 'w') as write_f:
    for column in pluto_columns:

Check EPSG CRS codes before merging, to ensure proper alignment#

EPSG (European Petroleum Survey Group) Geodetic Parameter Dataset is a respository of coordinate reference systems and transformations datasets, managed by the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP). It is widely used in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to define and describe the spatial reference systems of geographic data. [user Intgr et al., 2019]

CRS (Coordinate Reference System) is used to define and describe the spatial reference systems of geographic data. The CRS defines the origin, scale, and orientation of the coordinate system, as well as how the coordinates are mapped onto a flat surface such as a map or a computer screen. [Cain, 2013]

EPSG: 4326
<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326>
Name: WGS 84
Axis Info [ellipsoidal]:
- Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree)
- Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree)
Area of Use:
- undefined
Datum: World Geodetic System 1984
- Ellipsoid: WGS 84
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich
<Derived Projected CRS: EPSG:2263>
Name: NAD83 / New York Long Island (ftUS)
Axis Info [cartesian]:
- [east]: Easting (US survey foot)
- [north]: Northing (US survey foot)
Area of Use:
- undefined
Coordinate Operation:
- name: unnamed
- method: Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP)
Datum: North American Datum 1983
- Ellipsoid: GRS 1980
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich

Convert Pluto to EPSG code: 4326#

0         MULTIPOLYGON (((979834.644 191977.863, 980575....
1         MULTIPOLYGON (((973839.736 193894.244, 972500....
2         MULTIPOLYGON (((979286.676 198786.617, 977468....
3         MULTIPOLYGON (((979340.404 199175.516, 977511....
4         MULTIPOLYGON (((981288.593 194289.382, 981164....
857209    MULTIPOLYGON (((914466.480 124580.058, 914512....
857210    MULTIPOLYGON (((914321.022 124460.350, 914256....
857211    MULTIPOLYGON (((914318.219 124604.403, 914338....
857212    MULTIPOLYGON (((914740.567 124877.857, 914639....
857213    MULTIPOLYGON (((914842.706 124746.005, 914775....
Name: geometry, Length: 857214, dtype: geometry
pluto_4326_gdf = pluto_gdf.copy()
pluto_4326_gdf['geometry_multipolygon_pluto_x'] = pluto_4326_gdf.apply(lambda x: str(x))
0         MULTIPOLYGON (((979834.644 191977.863, 980575....
1         MULTIPOLYGON (((973839.736 193894.244, 972500....
2         MULTIPOLYGON (((979286.676 198786.617, 977468....
3         MULTIPOLYGON (((979340.404 199175.516, 977511....
4         MULTIPOLYGON (((981288.593 194289.382, 981164....
857209    MULTIPOLYGON (((914466.480 124580.058, 914512....
857210    MULTIPOLYGON (((914321.022 124460.350, 914256....
857211    MULTIPOLYGON (((914318.219 124604.403, 914338....
857212    MULTIPOLYGON (((914740.567 124877.857, 914639....
857213    MULTIPOLYGON (((914842.706 124746.005, 914775....
Name: geometry, Length: 857214, dtype: geometry
0         NaN
1         NaN
2         NaN
3         NaN
4         NaN
857209    NaN
857210    NaN
857211    NaN
857212    NaN
857213    NaN
Name: geometry_multipolygon_pluto_x, Length: 857214, dtype: object
0         MULTIPOLYGON (((979834.644 191977.863, 980575....
1         MULTIPOLYGON (((973839.736 193894.244, 972500....
2         MULTIPOLYGON (((979286.676 198786.617, 977468....
3         MULTIPOLYGON (((979340.404 199175.516, 977511....
4         MULTIPOLYGON (((981288.593 194289.382, 981164....
857209    MULTIPOLYGON (((914466.480 124580.058, 914512....
857210    MULTIPOLYGON (((914321.022 124460.350, 914256....
857211    MULTIPOLYGON (((914318.219 124604.403, 914338....
857212    MULTIPOLYGON (((914740.567 124877.857, 914639....
857213    MULTIPOLYGON (((914842.706 124746.005, 914775....
Name: geometry, Length: 857214, dtype: geometry

Verify Conversion#
<Derived Projected CRS: EPSG:2263>
Name: NAD83 / New York Long Island (ftUS)
Axis Info [cartesian]:
- [east]: Easting (US survey foot)
- [north]: Northing (US survey foot)
Area of Use:
- undefined
Coordinate Operation:
- name: unnamed
- method: Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP)
Datum: North American Datum 1983
- Ellipsoid: GRS 1980
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich

Join #1: BBL#

Check data type of join column#


Convert Street Flooding GeoDataFrame’s bbl column from object to float.#

street_flooding_gdf['BBL'] = street_flooding_gdf['bbl'].astype(float)

Left Join on BBL#

Create column to store index before merge#

[Son, 2019]

# street_flooding_gdf['unique_key'] = street_flooding_gdf.index
Preserve multipolygon geometry for the bbl merge#
street_flooding_gdf['geometry_point_street_x'] = street_flooding_gdf.geometry.astype(str)
col_list = pluto_4326_gdf.columns.tolist()
for col in col_list:
    if col[:8] == 'geometry':
pluto_4326_bbl_gdf = pluto_4326_gdf.drop(columns = 'geometry')
street_flooding_pluto_gdf = street_flooding_gdf.merge(
    on = 'BBL',
    how = 'left'

Preview Results of BBL Join#

Check index#
Int64Index([    0,     1,     2,     3,     4,     5,     6,     7,     8,
            35146, 35147, 35148, 35149, 35150, 35151, 35152, 35153, 35154,
           dtype='int64', length=35156)
Set unique_key as index#
# street_flooding_pluto_gdf.set_index('unique_key', inplace = True)
Verify index change#
# street_flooding_gdf.index
List attributes in a 5 column grid#
all_columns = street_flooding_pluto_gdf.columns.tolist()
chunks = [all_columns[x:x + 5] for x in range(0, len(all_columns), 5)]
attribute_grid = pd.DataFrame(chunks)
0 1 2 3 4
0 location_state facility_type intersection_street_2 city location_zip
1 park_borough latitude road_ramp created_date agency
2 park_facility_name location_address agency_name descriptor bbl
3 location_city open_data_channel_type cross_street_2 bridge_highway_direction longitude
4 bridge_highway_segment street_name incident_address address_type incident_zip
5 unique_key complaint_type y_coordinate_state_plane status bridge_highway_name
6 location_type due_date taxi_company_borough taxi_pick_up_location x_coordinate_state_plane
7 resolution_description community_board resolution_action_updated_date intersection_street_1 closed_date
8 vehicle_type cross_street_1 borough landmark geometry
9 BBL geometry_point_street_x Borough Block Lot
10 CD BCT2020 BCTCB2020 CT2010 CB2010
11 SchoolDist Council ZipCode FireComp PolicePrct
12 HealthCenterDistrict HealthArea Sanitboro SanitDistrict SanitSub
13 Address ZoneDist1 ZoneDist2 ZoneDist3 ZoneDist4
14 Overlay1 Overlay2 SPDist1 SPDist2 SPDist3
15 LtdHeight SplitZone BldgClass LandUse Easements
16 OwnerType OwnerName LotArea BldgArea ComArea
17 ResArea OfficeArea RetailArea GarageArea StrgeArea
18 FactryArea OtherArea AreaSource NumBldgs NumFloors
19 UnitsRes UnitsTotal LotFront LotDepth BldgFront
20 BldgDepth Ext ProxCode IrrLotCode LotType
21 BsmtCode AssessLand AssessTot ExemptTot YearBuilt
22 YearAlter1 YearAlter2 HistDist Landmark BuiltFAR
23 ResidFAR CommFAR FacilFAR BoroCode CondoNo
24 Tract2010 XCoord YCoord ZoneMap ZMCode
25 Sanborn TaxMap EDesigNum APPBBL APPDate
27 Latitude Longitude Notes Shape_Leng Shape_Area
28 geometry_multipolygon_pluto_x None None None None
preview_columns = [
    # 'geometry_x',
    # 'geometry_y'
View oldest service requests#
geometry_multipolygon_pluto_x created_date borough Borough street_name bbl ZipCode
0 NaN 2010-01-02 08:26:00 BROOKLYN BK DARE COURT 3089000064 11229.0
1 NaN 2010-01-02 12:00:00 STATEN ISLAND NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 NaN 2010-01-02 17:45:00 QUEENS QN 146 STREET 4120050012 11436.0
3 NaN 2010-01-04 16:47:00 QUEENS QN 218 STREET 4106210008 11428.0
4 NaN 2010-01-05 10:37:00 BROOKLYN BK EAST 63 STREET 3086550021 11234.0
View most recent service requests#
geometry_multipolygon_pluto_x created_date borough Borough street_name bbl ZipCode
35151 NaN 2023-03-14 14:53:00 QUEENS QN DECOSTA AVENUE 4160250028 11692.0
35152 NaN 2023-03-14 17:41:00 QUEENS QN 26 AVENUE 4049150005 11358.0
35153 NaN 2023-03-14 13:47:00 BROOKLYN BK HIMROD STREET 3032680001 11237.0
35154 NaN 2023-03-14 12:47:00 QUEENS NaN NaN NaN NaN
35155 NaN 2023-03-14 13:35:00 BROOKLYN BK BRIGHTON 8 COURT 3072640043 11235.0
    driver = 'OpenFileGDB', 
    # engine = 'fiona',
    # index = True,
    # crs = 'EPSG:4326'
    # crs = 'EPSG:2263'

"street_flooding_pluto_gdf.to_file(\n    merge_flood_mappluto_output_ofgdb, \n    driver = 'OpenFileGDB', \n    # engine = 'fiona',\n    # index = True,\n    # crs = 'EPSG:4326'\n    # crs = 'EPSG:2263'\n)\n\n"

Check % Join by BBL#

def pct_join(gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, column_check: str) -> dict:
    gdf_join_info = dict()
    df_size = len(gdf)
    # None does not return the NaN count
    # missing_column_check_count = len(gdf[gdf[column_check] == None])
    missing_column_check_count = gdf[column_check].isna().sum()

    gdf_join_info['df_size'] = df_size
    gdf_join_info['match_count'] = df_size - missing_column_check_count
    gdf_join_info[f'missing_{(column_check)}_count'] = missing_column_check_count
    gdf_join_info['pct_join'] = round((df_size - missing_column_check_count) / df_size * 100, 2)
    gdf_join_info['pct_missing'] = round(missing_column_check_count / df_size * 100, 2)

    return gdf_join_info
bbl_join_stats_dict = pct_join(street_flooding_pluto_gdf, 'Borough')
{'df_size': 35156,
 'match_count': 21612,
 'missing_Borough_count': 13544,
 'pct_join': 61.47,
 'pct_missing': 38.53}

Join #2: Spatial Join#

[Hule, 2018]

Split DataFrame Into BBL Matches and Non-matches#

BBL matches#
street_flooding_pluto_bbl_match_gdf = \
    street_flooding_pluto_gdf[street_flooding_pluto_gdf['Borough'] != None]

BBL match GeoDataFrame info
<class 'geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame'>
Int64Index: 35156 entries, 0 to 35155
Columns: 141 entries, location_state to geometry_multipolygon_pluto_x
dtypes: datetime64[ns](4), float64(58), geometry(1), object(78)
memory usage: 38.1+ MB

Verify match count

{'df_size': 35156,
 'match_count': 21612,
 'missing_Borough_count': 13544,
 'pct_join': 61.47,
 'pct_missing': 38.53}

Note: Revisit calculation for match

match_count = bbl_join_stats_dict['df_size'] - \

match_count == \

Add BBL match count to JSON file#

with open(data_stats_json_input, 'r') as read_json:
    data_stats = json.load(read_json)
{'street_flood_orig': 35156, 'street_flood_clean': 34147, 'street_flood_mappluto_bbl': 35156, 'street_flood_mappluto_sjoin_nearest': 34206}
data_stats['street_flood_mappluto_bbl'] = len(street_flooding_pluto_bbl_match_gdf)
{'street_flood_orig': 35156, 'street_flood_clean': 34147, 'street_flood_mappluto_bbl': 35156, 'street_flood_mappluto_sjoin_nearest': 34206}
BBL mismatches#

Before rejoining with sjoin, extract the street flooding rows that did not match by BBL.

street_flooding_pluto_bbl_mismatch_gdf = \
location_state facility_type intersection_street_2 city location_zip park_borough latitude road_ramp created_date agency ... FIRM07_FLAG PFIRM15_FLAG Version DCPEdited Latitude Longitude Notes Shape_Leng Shape_Area geometry_multipolygon_pluto_x
1 N/A RICHMOND TERRACE STATEN ISLAND STATEN ISLAND 40.63865739388004 NaN 2010-01-02 12:00:00 DEP ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
11 N/A WEST 20 STREET NEW YORK MANHATTAN 40.74222718212239 NaN 2010-01-07 17:56:00 DEP ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
13 N/A ADELPHI AVENUE STATEN ISLAND STATEN ISLAND 40.516255348580096 NaN 2010-01-09 19:48:00 DEP ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
14 N/A 72 AVENUE Fresh Meadows QUEENS 40.72826788677406 NaN 2010-01-13 13:30:00 DEP ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
15 N/A AVENUE U BROOKLYN BROOKLYN 40.5971705119265 NaN 2010-01-13 16:57:00 DEP ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

5 rows × 141 columns

BBL mismatch GeoDataFrame info
<class 'geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame'>
Int64Index: 13544 entries, 1 to 35154
Columns: 141 entries, location_state to geometry_multipolygon_pluto_x
dtypes: datetime64[ns](4), float64(58), geometry(1), object(78)
memory usage: 14.7+ MB

Verify mismatch count

bbl_join_stats_dict['missing_Borough_count'] == \

Copy only the street flooding columns

street_flooding_bbl_no_match_gdf = \

Perform sjoin#

Note: sjoin is skipped because the remaining street flooding complaint locations did no match the MapPluto dataset. sjoin_nearest will be used instead. [consider revisiting]

[et al., 2021, Hule, 2018]

Set active geometry

%%script echo "[skip] Reason: using `sjoin_nearest`"
street_flooding_bbl_no_match_gdf.set_geometry('geometry', inplace = True)
[skip] Reason: using `sjoin_nearest`
%%script echo "[skip] Reason: using `sjoin_nearest`"
street_flooding_map_pluto_sjoin_gdf = (
        # pluto_4326_gdf_copy_si_only,
        how = 'left',
        # predicate = 'intersects'
[skip] Reason: using `sjoin_nearest`
%%script echo "[skip] Reason: using `sjoin_nearest`"
preview_columns_sjoin = [
[skip] Reason: using `sjoin_nearest`
%%script echo "[skip] Reason: using `sjoin_nearest`"
[skip] Reason: using `sjoin_nearest`
%%script echo "[skip] Reason: using `sjoin_nearest`"
[skip] Reason: using `sjoin_nearest`
%%script echo "[skip] Reason: using `sjoin_nearest`"
nan_count = street_flooding_map_pluto_sjoin_gdf['Borough'].isna().sum()
[skip] Reason: using `sjoin_nearest`

Perform sjoin_nearest#

[et al., 2021, Hule, 2018]

Use Projected CRS for gpd.sjoin_nearest

New York, Long Island (EPSG: 2263)

Mercator (EPSG: 3857)

  1. Google Maps

  2. Open Street Maps

  3. Stamen Maps

[Frazier, 2020]

Set active geometry

Implement geopandas.sjoin_nearest
<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326>
Name: WGS 84
Axis Info [ellipsoidal]:
- Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree)
- Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree)
Area of Use:
- undefined
Datum: World Geodetic System 1984
- Ellipsoid: WGS 84
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich
<Derived Projected CRS: EPSG:2263>
Name: NAD83 / New York Long Island (ftUS)
Axis Info [cartesian]:
- [east]: Easting (US survey foot)
- [north]: Northing (US survey foot)
Area of Use:
- undefined
Coordinate Operation:
- name: unnamed
- method: Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP)
Datum: North American Datum 1983
- Ellipsoid: GRS 1980
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich
col_list = pluto_4326_gdf.columns.tolist()
for col in col_list:
    if col[:8] == 'geometry':
0         MULTIPOLYGON (((979834.644 191977.863, 980575....
1         MULTIPOLYGON (((973839.736 193894.244, 972500....
2         MULTIPOLYGON (((979286.676 198786.617, 977468....
3         MULTIPOLYGON (((979340.404 199175.516, 977511....
4         MULTIPOLYGON (((981288.593 194289.382, 981164....
857209    MULTIPOLYGON (((914466.480 124580.058, 914512....
857210    MULTIPOLYGON (((914321.022 124460.350, 914256....
857211    MULTIPOLYGON (((914318.219 124604.403, 914338....
857212    MULTIPOLYGON (((914740.567 124877.857, 914639....
857213    MULTIPOLYGON (((914842.706 124746.005, 914775....
Name: geometry, Length: 857214, dtype: geometry
pluto_4326_sjoin_nearest_gdf = pluto_4326_gdf.drop(columns = 'geometry')
pluto_4326_sjoin_nearest_gdf = pluto_4326_gdf.copy()
street_flooding_map_pluto_sjoin_nearest_gdf = (
        # Convert CRS to EPSG: 2263
        pluto_4326_sjoin_nearest_gdf, # .to_crs('2263'),
        how = 'left',
        # max_distance = 100,
        distance_col = 'distance'
Preview sjoin_nearest results#

Check index

Select columns to preview

preview_columns_sjoin_nearest_list = [
borough Borough created_date street_name bbl ZipCode geometry TaxMap
1 STATEN ISLAND SI 2010-01-02 12:00:00 NaN NaN 10303.0 POINT (944481.011 171989.064) 50503
11 MANHATTAN MN 2010-01-07 17:56:00 NaN NaN 10011.0 POINT (985078.930 209690.212) 10305
13 STATEN ISLAND SI 2010-01-09 19:48:00 NaN NaN 10309.0 POINT (920039.197 127447.098) 53101
14 QUEENS QN 2010-01-13 13:30:00 NaN NaN 11365.0 POINT (1037695.047 204663.289) 43103
15 BROOKLYN BK 2010-01-13 16:57:00 NaN NaN 11223.0 POINT (992169.033 156843.127) 32105
borough Borough created_date street_name bbl ZipCode geometry TaxMap
35142 STATEN ISLAND SI 2023-03-13 18:11:00 ARTHUR KILL NaN NaN POINT (919194.141 141918.073) 52901
35143 BROOKLYN BK 2023-03-13 22:35:00 NaN NaN 11230.0 POINT (996137.026 164552.152) 32007
35144 BROOKLYN BK 2023-03-13 18:29:00 NaN NaN 11249.0 POINT (994191.964 200891.211) 30804
35147 QUEENS QN 2023-03-14 01:08:00 BEACH 7 STREET NaN 11691.0 POINT (1055849.100 157337.302) 45903
35154 QUEENS QN 2023-03-14 12:47:00 NaN NaN 11368.0 POINT (1021682.011 207776.266) 41102

Check number of street flooding complaint locations that did not match after the sjoin_nearest implementation

nan_count = street_flooding_map_pluto_sjoin_nearest_gdf['Borough'].isna().sum()
sjoin_nearest_stats_dict = \
    pct_join(street_flooding_map_pluto_sjoin_nearest_gdf, 'Borough')
{'df_size': 13555,
 'match_count': 12546,
 'missing_Borough_count': 1009,
 'pct_join': 92.56,
 'pct_missing': 7.44}

Merge BBL and sjoin_nearest GeoPandas DataFrames#

Confirm Both DataFrame Columns Match#

Street Flooding MapPluto BBL column count#
street_flooding_pluto_bbl_columns_list = street_flooding_pluto_bbl_match_gdf.columns.tolist()
street_flooding_pluto_bbl_columns_count = len(street_flooding_pluto_bbl_columns_list)
print(f'Street Flooding MapPluto BBL column count: {street_flooding_pluto_bbl_columns_count}')
Street Flooding MapPluto BBL column count: 141
Street Flooding MapPluto sjoin_nearest column count#
street_flooding_map_pluto_sjoin_nearest_columns_list = street_flooding_map_pluto_sjoin_nearest_gdf.columns.tolist()
street_flooding_map_pluto_sjoin_nearest_columns_count = len(street_flooding_map_pluto_sjoin_nearest_columns_list)
print(f'Street Flooding MapPluto sjoin_nearest column count: {street_flooding_map_pluto_sjoin_nearest_columns_count}')
Street Flooding MapPluto sjoin_nearest column count: 142
Compare columns#
bbl_only = set(street_flooding_pluto_bbl_columns_list) - set(street_flooding_map_pluto_sjoin_nearest_columns_list)
sjoin_nearest_only = set(street_flooding_map_pluto_sjoin_nearest_columns_list) - set(street_flooding_pluto_bbl_columns_list)
{'distance', 'index_right'}
Verify index is the unique_key#
Int64Index([    0,     1,     2,     3,     4,     5,     6,     7,     8,
            35146, 35147, 35148, 35149, 35150, 35151, 35152, 35153, 35154,
           dtype='int64', length=35156)
Int64Index([    1,    11,    13,    14,    15,    17,    18,    20,    24,
            35131, 35134, 35136, 35137, 35141, 35142, 35143, 35144, 35147,
           dtype='int64', length=13555)
DataFrame column transform#

BBL match DataFrame

Column align

street_flooding_pluto_bbl_match_col_align_gdf = \
    street_flooding_pluto_bbl_match_gdf.drop(columns = ['geometry_point_street_x'], axis = 1)
street_flooding_map_pluto_sjoin_nearest_col_align_gdf = \
    street_flooding_map_pluto_sjoin_nearest_gdf.drop(columns = ['distance', 'index_right'], axis = 1)
Re-compare columns#
street_flooding_pluto_bbl_match_col_align_columns_list = street_flooding_pluto_bbl_match_col_align_gdf.columns.tolist()
street_flooding_map_pluto_sjoin_nearest_col_align_columns_list = street_flooding_map_pluto_sjoin_nearest_col_align_gdf.columns.tolist()

BBL match only

bbl_recheck_only = set(street_flooding_pluto_bbl_match_col_align_columns_list) - set(street_flooding_map_pluto_sjoin_nearest_col_align_columns_list)

sjoin_nearest match only

sjoin_nearest_only = set(street_flooding_map_pluto_sjoin_nearest_col_align_columns_list) - set(street_flooding_pluto_bbl_match_col_align_columns_list)
for col in street_flooding_pluto_bbl_match_col_align_columns_list:
    if col[:8] == 'geometry':
for col in street_flooding_map_pluto_sjoin_nearest_col_align_columns_list:
    if col[:8] == 'geometry':

Implement Merge#

Set active geometry#
<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326>
Name: WGS 84
Axis Info [ellipsoidal]:
- Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree)
- Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree)
Area of Use:
- undefined
Datum: World Geodetic System 1984
- Ellipsoid: WGS 84
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich
<Derived Projected CRS: EPSG:2263>
Name: NAD83 / New York Long Island (ftUS)
Axis Info [cartesian]:
- X[east]: Easting (US survey foot)
- Y[north]: Northing (US survey foot)
Area of Use:
- name: United States (USA) - New York - counties of Bronx; Kings; Nassau; New York; Queens; Richmond; Suffolk.
- bounds: (-74.26, 40.47, -71.8, 41.3)
Coordinate Operation:
- name: SPCS83 New York Long Island zone (US Survey feet)
- method: Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP)
Datum: North American Datum 1983
- Ellipsoid: GRS 1980
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich
street_flooding_mappluto_merge_gdf = \
    pd.concat( \
            street_flooding_map_pluto_sjoin_nearest_col_align_gdf # .to_crs('2263')
Preview Results#
<class 'geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame'>
Int64Index: 48711 entries, 0 to 35154
Columns: 140 entries, location_state to geometry_multipolygon_pluto_x
dtypes: datetime64[ns](4), float64(58), geometry(1), object(77)
memory usage: 52.4+ MB
preview_columns_merge_list = [
    # 'geometry_point_street',
geometry_multipolygon_pluto_x borough Borough created_date street_name bbl ZipCode geometry Tract2010 TaxMap
0 NaN BROOKLYN BK 2010-01-02 08:26:00 DARE COURT 3089000064 11229.0 POINT (1005975.054 153432.161) 0628 32605
1 NaN STATEN ISLAND NaN 2010-01-02 12:00:00 NaN NaN NaN POINT (944481.011 171989.064) NaN NaN
2 NaN QUEENS QN 2010-01-02 17:45:00 146 STREET 4120050012 11436.0 POINT (1041026.066 187595.284) 0186 45202
3 NaN QUEENS QN 2010-01-04 16:47:00 218 STREET 4106210008 11428.0 POINT (1056756.075 201721.315) 0566 44701
4 NaN BROOKLYN BK 2010-01-05 10:37:00 EAST 63 STREET 3086550021 11234.0 POINT (1009324.045 162441.183) 070201 32505
geometry_multipolygon_pluto_x borough Borough created_date street_name bbl ZipCode geometry Tract2010 TaxMap
35142 NaN STATEN ISLAND SI 2023-03-13 18:11:00 ARTHUR KILL NaN NaN POINT (919194.141 141918.073) 0226 52901
35143 NaN BROOKLYN BK 2023-03-13 22:35:00 NaN NaN 11230.0 POINT (996137.026 164552.152) 0538 32007
35144 NaN BROOKLYN BK 2023-03-13 18:29:00 NaN NaN 11249.0 POINT (994191.964 200891.211) 0555 30804
35147 NaN QUEENS QN 2023-03-14 01:08:00 BEACH 7 STREET NaN 11691.0 POINT (1055849.100 157337.302) 101002 45903
35154 NaN QUEENS QN 2023-03-14 12:47:00 NaN NaN 11368.0 POINT (1021682.011 207776.266) 0455 41102
Check total missing joins#
nan_count = street_flooding_mappluto_merge_gdf['Borough'].isna().sum()
street_flooding_mappluto_gdf_merge_stats_dict = \
    pct_join(street_flooding_mappluto_merge_gdf, 'Borough')
{'df_size': 48711,
 'match_count': 34158,
 'missing_Borough_count': 14553,
 'pct_join': 70.12,
 'pct_missing': 29.88}

Note Revisit None vs NaN count. May needd to sum nan separately.


pandas GroupBy columns with NaN (missing) values

# len(street_flooding_mappluto_merge_gdf)
# street_flooding_mappluto_merge_gdf.groupby(['Borough'], dropna = False)['Borough'].count()

Save Final Merge Match Count to JSON file#

data_stats['street_flood_mappluto_sjoin_nearest'] = \
{'street_flood_orig': 35156, 'street_flood_clean': 34147, 'street_flood_mappluto_bbl': 35156, 'street_flood_mappluto_sjoin_nearest': 34158}
data_stats_json = {}
for key, value in data_stats.items():
    data_stats_json[key] = int(value)
with open(data_stats_json_input, 'w') as write_json:
    json.dump(data_stats_json, write_json, indent = 4)

Save Merged Dataset#



Check supported driver options#

{'DXF': 'rw',
 'CSV': 'raw',
 'OpenFileGDB': 'raw',
 'ESRIJSON': 'r',
 'ESRI Shapefile': 'raw',
 'FlatGeobuf': 'raw',
 'GeoJSON': 'raw',
 'GeoJSONSeq': 'raw',
 'GPKG': 'raw',
 'GML': 'rw',
 'OGR_GMT': 'rw',
 'GPX': 'rw',
 'Idrisi': 'r',
 'MapInfo File': 'raw',
 'DGN': 'raw',
 'PCIDSK': 'raw',
 'OGR_PDS': 'r',
 'S57': 'r',
 'SQLite': 'raw',
 'TopoJSON': 'r'}

Confirm output folder exists#

if not os.path.exists('data/merge'):
    print('Creating new folder for merged street flooding and MapPluto dataset: "data/merge"')
    print('"data/merge" folder already exists')
"data/merge" folder already exists

Reindex Merged GeoPandas DataFrame#

Save as .gdb using OpenFileGDB driver#

    driver = 'OpenFileGDB', 
    # engine = 'fiona',
    # crs = 'EPSG:4326'

Save as .geojson using GeoJSON driver#

    driver = 'GeoJSON', 
    # engine = 'fiona',
    # crs = 'EPSG:4326'



geospatial libraries#

On fresh Conda installation of PyProj: pyproj unable to set database path. _pyproj_global_context_initialize()

CRSError: Invalid projection: EPSG:4326 : #2562

GDAL ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found

how to successfully install pyproj and geopandas?

GeoPandas DataFrames and categorical data#

BUG: to_file cannot write dataframes containing categorical data #1883


gdf[<new_column>] = gdf.geometry.astype(str)

.merge() keep returning pandas dataframe due to duplicate geometry columns #824