Street Flooding#

Source: 311 Service Requests from 2010 to Present#






All 311 Service Requests from 2010 to present.



Update Frequency




Data Provided by

311, DoITT


Social Services

API Docs

API Endpoints
(sample size: 10)


Data Dictionary





Street Flooding (SJ) โ˜”

Import Libraries#

Built-in Libraries#

# import json
import os
# from datetime import datetime as dt
# from pathlib import Path

External Libraries#

# import pyproj
import geopandas as gpd
# import pandas as pd
# import geojson as gj

Define Variables#

Default limit = 1000

%%script echo skip

Download 311 Service Complaints for Street Flooding (SJ)#

Save .geojson data locally#

Downloading Latest Street Flooding Dataset...

Street flooding dataset has already been download for 2023-04-03.

Download Complete

Define prefix for output variable#

%%script echo skip
output_prefix = 'data/street-flooding/street_flood-complaints.'

Save .json data locally#

%%script echo skip
street_flooding_jdf = pd.read_json(NYC_OPEN_DATA_311_API_JSON)
street_flooding_jdf.to_json(output_prefix + 'json')

Save .csv data locally#

%%script echo skip
street_flooding_cdf = pd.read_csv(NYC_OPEN_DATA_311_API_CSV)
street_flooding_cdf.to_csv(output_prefix + 'csv')

View Street Flooding Metadata#

nyc_street_flooding_geojson = 'data/street-flooding/street-flood-complaints_rows-all.geojson'
street_flooding_gdf = gpd.read_file(nyc_street_flooding_geojson)
<class 'geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 35225 entries, 0 to 35224
Data columns (total 45 columns):
 #   Column                          Non-Null Count  Dtype         
---  ------                          --------------  -----         
 0   location_state                  34213 non-null  object        
 1   facility_type                   23296 non-null  object        
 2   intersection_street_2           11344 non-null  object        
 3   city                            34360 non-null  object        
 4   location_zip                    34213 non-null  object        
 5   park_borough                    35221 non-null  object        
 6   latitude                        34213 non-null  object        
 7   road_ramp                       0 non-null      float64       
 8   created_date                    35225 non-null  datetime64[ns]
 9   agency                          35225 non-null  object        
 10  park_facility_name              35225 non-null  object        
 11  location_address                34213 non-null  object        
 12  agency_name                     35225 non-null  object        
 13  descriptor                      35225 non-null  object        
 14  bbl                             21819 non-null  object        
 15  location_city                   34213 non-null  object        
 16  open_data_channel_type          35225 non-null  object        
 17  cross_street_2                  30199 non-null  object        
 18  bridge_highway_direction        0 non-null      float64       
 19  longitude                       34213 non-null  object        
 20  bridge_highway_segment          0 non-null      float64       
 21  street_name                     23933 non-null  object        
 22  incident_address                23933 non-null  object        
 23  address_type                    35219 non-null  object        
 24  incident_zip                    34356 non-null  object        
 25  unique_key                      35225 non-null  object        
 26  complaint_type                  35225 non-null  object        
 27  y_coordinate_state_plane        34213 non-null  object        
 28  status                          35225 non-null  object        
 29  bridge_highway_name             0 non-null      float64       
 30  location_type                   0 non-null      float64       
 31  due_date                        1 non-null      datetime64[ns]
 32  taxi_company_borough            0 non-null      float64       
 33  taxi_pick_up_location           0 non-null      float64       
 34  x_coordinate_state_plane        34213 non-null  object        
 35  resolution_description          35188 non-null  object        
 36  community_board                 35221 non-null  object        
 37  resolution_action_updated_date  35197 non-null  datetime64[ns]
 38  intersection_street_1           11344 non-null  object        
 39  closed_date                     35189 non-null  datetime64[ns]
 40  vehicle_type                    0 non-null      float64       
 41  cross_street_1                  30209 non-null  object        
 42  borough                         35221 non-null  object        
 43  landmark                        0 non-null      float64       
 44  geometry                        34213 non-null  geometry      
dtypes: datetime64[ns](4), float64(9), geometry(1), object(31)
memory usage: 12.1+ MB

Coordinate Reference System (CRS)#
<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326>
Name: WGS 84
Axis Info [ellipsoidal]:
- Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree)
- Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree)
Area of Use:
- undefined
Datum: World Geodetic System 1984
- Ellipsoid: WGS 84
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich

Preview Data#

street_flooding_gdf[['created_date', 'borough', 'bbl', 'geometry']].head(10)
created_date borough bbl geometry
0 2010-01-02 08:26:00 BROOKLYN 3089000064 POINT (-73.92178 40.58778)
1 2010-01-02 12:00:00 STATEN ISLAND NaN POINT (-74.14329 40.63866)
2 2010-01-02 17:45:00 QUEENS 4120050012 POINT (-73.79530 40.68140)
3 2010-01-04 16:47:00 QUEENS 4106210008 POINT (-73.73843 40.72006)
4 2010-01-05 10:37:00 BROOKLYN 3086550021 POINT (-73.90969 40.61250)
5 2010-01-06 19:26:00 BROOKLYN 3029270015 POINT (-73.93297 40.71584)
6 2010-01-06 08:24:00 QUEENS 4119960122 POINT (-73.80255 40.67925)
7 2010-01-06 09:17:00 STATEN ISLAND 5040740044 POINT (-74.10646 40.55866)
8 2010-01-06 06:00:00 QUEENS 4030030044 POINT (-73.87694 40.71804)
9 2010-01-07 10:16:00 STATEN ISLAND 5014850078 POINT (-74.14943 40.61979)
street_flooding_gdf[['created_date', 'borough', 'bbl', 'geometry']].tail(10)
created_date borough bbl geometry
35215 2023-03-31 14:50:00 QUEENS 4035540010 POINT (-73.90314 40.69508)
35216 2023-03-31 15:56:00 BROOKLYN NaN POINT (-73.97547 40.67447)
35217 2023-04-01 17:05:00 BROOKLYN 3050530018 POINT (-73.96291 40.65447)
35218 2023-04-01 19:56:00 STATEN ISLAND 5035730072 POINT (-74.09985 40.58014)
35219 2023-04-01 12:35:00 QUEENS 4062770002 POINT (-73.77331 40.76058)
35220 2023-04-01 21:32:00 QUEENS 4010500002 POINT (-73.89320 40.76207)
35221 2023-04-01 23:17:00 BROOKLYN 3083070080 POINT (-73.88413 40.63804)
35222 2023-04-01 16:14:00 BROOKLYN 3077180057 POINT (-73.93635 40.61422)
35223 2023-04-01 14:32:00 BRONX NaN POINT (-73.90305 40.84063)
35224 2023-04-01 14:17:00 BRONX NaN POINT (-73.88099 40.87091)


Python Standard Library#


How to pad zeros to a String in Python | Python Engineer
Contributer: @Patrick Loeber

Date and Time#

datetime โ€” Basic date and time types | Python > Documentation

File & Path I/O#

pathlib โ€” Object-oriented filesystem paths | Python > Documentation


User Guide#

Reading and Writing Files | GoePandas - Documentation - User Guide

Merging Data | GeoPandas - Documentation - User Guide

API Reference#

geopandas.GeoDataFrame.to_file | GeoPandas API reference

Jupyter Notebook#

Magic (%%) Commands#

How to (intermittently) skip certain cells when running IPython notebook? | stackoverflow
Contributor: @Mark


On fresh Conda installation of PyProj: pyproj unable to set database path. _pyproj_global_context_initialize()


Un-install pyproj

conda remove --force pyproj

Re-install pyproj via pip instead of conda

pip install pyproj

Socrata API#

Paging through Data | Socrata - Documentation