NYC Open Data Week 2023 π#
When π#
Saturday, March 18, 2023
Description π¦#
What secrets can we learn about NYC from 311 Street Flooding Complaintsβ
Have you ever considered examining the relationship of NYC 311 Street Complaints dataset to other geospatial datasetsβ
In this talk, we attempt to answer three questions:
How can we measure inequality in street flooding complaints?
Is there a relationship between street flooding complaints and property values?
How does street flooding complaints compare to actual modeled flooding data?
This project stems from a prior NYC Open Data 2021 talk: Analyzing NYCβs 311 Street Flooding Complaints from 2010 to 2020, given by Mark Bauer. This talk is an attempt to address some of the questions that were asked during the Q&A session.
Who should attend? π©π½βπ»#
Anyone with beginner-level proficiency is welcome! It is helpful, but not required to have some background knowledge in:
β Basics of Python or other programming languages (R, SQL, etc.)
β Implementing Data Analysis techniques
β Working with Jupyter Notebooks
β Interest in NYC 311 Open Data or Street Flooding datasets
Speakers | Say Hello π#
A group of civic minded data enthusiasts, who enjoy solving City related data problems together.
Presenter |
GitHub |
Ho Hsieh |
Nathan Williamson |
Mark Bauer |
Chidi Ezeolu |
Agenda π#
Who we are
Website and GitHub Repo
Brief Overview of Data Science Lifecyle
Why Beyond EDA?
Method 1
Method 2
Method 3
References & Resources
Q & A